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3D Print iPhone X Phone Cases

3D Print iPhone X Phone Cases

Being a technology company, it's safe to assume that we love our cell phones. We are always upgrading, showing off the new features and the ever-incessant argument of Apple vs everyone else. So, when Apple first launched the iPhone 8, we were all very eager for someone to purchase the newest model so we could see whether we wanted to wait for the iPhone X, or pull the proverbial trigger on the 8. 

After days and weeks of thought, the vast majority of us at Robo HQ waited to get the newest iPhone X. The facial recognition attracted most of us, but ultimately it was just because the X was THE latest and greatest. When our pre-orders started trickling into the office, we couldn't help but ask to see what we were all waiting for. "Ooohs and ahhhhhs" abounded but it begged the question, “What case do we get?” We of course wanted one that would allow for wireless charging, but also a case that didn't take away from the incredibly thin and aesthetically pleasing phone that Jonathan Ive's has worked so hard on.

Reaching out to one of our designers, we asked him to make a case for our new phones that was sleek, well designed and would support a multitude of filaments. After just a few iterations, we finally have it! We've added slits on either corner of the case to allow for more rigid filaments to snag snugly around the phone without cracking, protecting the entirely glass phone from gravity. All ports have been left open, easily accessible to the owner. The case can be taken off just as easy, if desired and has hit a number of floors with success (we can't guarantee yours). We hope you enjoy the case we've designed and last but not least, Happy Printing!

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